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 SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !

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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 15:43

call me sunny, honey

17 ans ✣ Simple légionnaire ✣ 5ème cohorte ✣ Fille de Bellone

Est née et a été élevée dans une caravane au bord de la mer ◘ Parents hippies, restés dans l'univers fantasmagorique et libertin des années 60. ◘ A passé son enfance dans une forêt et dans l'océan, petite sauvageonne ◘ Marche souvent pieds-nus au bord du petit Tibre ◘ Passe son temps à sourire ◘ A eu une période où ses cheveux ont été teints en bruns et où toute expression était factice ◘ Sa mère est décédée il y a un an ◘ Elle mange rarement de la viande ◘ Elle déteste l'hiver ◘ Tout le monde l'appelle Sunny ◘ Chantonne souvent ◘ A eu une enfance difficile ◘ S'émerveille d'un rien ◘ Connait toutes les chansons des Beatles par coeur ◘ Aimerait bien se marier à un arbre... ou à un pinson ◘ Rit facilement ◘ Absolument pas pudique ◘ Joueuse Court aussi vite qu'une biche ◘ Est catastrophique en cuisine ◘ Pourrait s'enchaîner à un arbre pour qu'on ne l'abatte pas ◘ A ironiquement confiance en la nature humaine et demi-divine

Dernière édition par Nastasya E. Rosewood le Jeu 9 Mai - 13:30, édité 2 fois
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 15:45

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 15:46

Thunder A. Hamm
Look after you
C'était à l'époque où tu insultais tout le monde, que tu crachais à la gueule de ceux qui ne pouvaient pas te supporter et plus encore à celles du peu qui t'aimait. Tu ne pouvais, ne savais plus penser. Tout ce qui comptait était le nombre de mannequins qui céderait sous tes coups et le bruit que ferait le bois sous ta lame. Thunder ne fut que l'un des nombreux qui durent supporter une de tes crises de rage, une de tes hystéries de fille de Bellone à l'agonie. Il ne dit rien, sûrement parce qu'il était beaucoup plus noble que toi, ou peut-être qu'il a simplement eut pitié. Tu ne le revis que lorsque tu es rentrée de là-bas, que tu as laissé la peau de garce qui te collait si bien à la peau dans un coffre, au fin fond de la forêt de ton enfance. Tu te rappelles de son air gêné quand tu t'es excusée, quand une dizaine de fois avec tes yeux trop suppliants, tu t'es injuriée, tu t'es détestée. Tu t'es haï devant lui et il t'a rassuré. Parce que lui, en fait, il s'en foutait. Tout ce qu'il voulait c'est que t'arrête tes conneries, ta crise d'angoisse. C'est depuis ce temps-là qu'il est comme ça avec toi. C'est depuis cet instant précis qu'il te protège de tout et de rien, d'un abruti qui te regarde de travers à un groupe de pimbêches qui ne supporte pas ton air d'imbécile heureux. Il continue, même si tu lui assure que tout ça ce n'est rien, que ça ne le sera jamais. Tu le câlines, tu le chéries, tu le gênes, tu le fais presque rougir. Tu l'adores, comme un frère qu'on ne t'a jamais donné.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

Dernière édition par Nastasya E. Rosewood le Ven 3 Mai - 19:28, édité 2 fois
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 15:47

A vous mes bébés I love you
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 21:32

moi moi moi (maisj'aipasd'idées ange )
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 22:04

owiii I love you
aucune envie, aucune piste du tout ? sinon résume moi un poco Poppy duck
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 3 Mai - 22:10

MOI puppy
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 10:46

ouiiiii I love you
des idées ou on cherche ensemble ? duck
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 10:57

Personnellement, quand j'ai lu ta fiche, j'ai directement pensée que Kiara pourrait la prendre comme sa petite protégée, vu comment elle a l'air fragile mais assez sauvage à la fois What a Face Enfin après à voir si Sunny apprécierait qu'elle soit toujours derrière son dos à savoir si elle va bien et tout mdl La rousse ferait un peu sa maman poule, un peu chiante sur les bords. Arrow
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 11:05

Hahaha ce serait rigolo, sachant qu'elles sont même pas du même camp itou. ange Après, Thunder a un peu ce lien avec Sunny donc faudrait trouver un moyen que ça se ressemble pas trop. Dans le genre, elles auraient pu se rencontrer, s'attacher mutuellement l'une à l'autre et effectivement, développer cette relation un peu "mère-fille" ; genre la blonde pourrait lui apporter des fleurs, se comporter encore plus comme une enfant à ses côtés, lui faire visiter le camp de fond en comble, lui faire plus de câlins qu'à n'importe quelle autre... Comme un bébé et sa maman puppy
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 11:18

Oh oui, je vois trop Kiara la prendre pour son bébé mdl Genre elle serait en mode " oooh elle est trop chou puppy " . Limite les gens pourraient pas comprendre ce qui leur prend. mdl Elles seraient proche du coup et Kiara qui est plutôt du genre excitée habituellement, à toujours rigoler et courir partout, à déconner, elle serait plutôt calme et en mode bisounours avec Sunny. mdl
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 11:22

Oh ouiiiiiii I love you parce que normalement sunny elle est tarée aussi, elle passe son temps dans les arbres quand elle le peut, en mode "foutez moi la paix, je suis un oiseau". Elles se calmeraient mutuellement un peu. smile
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 11:30

Oui, je vois trop ça comme relation. puppy Les gens autour se demanderont ce qu'il se passe, eux qui sont habitués à les voir toutes les deux toujours surexcitées mdl Bref je t'ajoute et il faudra qu'on se fasse un rp. duck
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 11:37

Ouiii, je fais de même I love you
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 21:08

non aucune idée j'avoue Arrow
Citation :
elle est froide, violente en bonne fille d'arès qu'elle est, elle manque de tact, elle ne sait pas très bien user de la parole alors sa seule façon de se défendre c'est de frapper, elle est rancunière, impulsive mais assez mature pour son âge, elle sait prendre du recul face à certaines situations sérieuses et au contraire être très à cœur dans des situations qui n'ont pourtant pas tant d'intérêt, elle est orgueilleuse TRÈS orgueilleuse, elle accepte pas la défaite, elle se croit supérieure au niveau le force physique (elle sait très bien qu'elle ne fait pas le poids dans la stratégie mais niveau combat elle se croit la meilleure). elle parle peu aux autres, elle a pas énormément d'amis proches voir pas du tout. elle déteste les filles superficielles qui ne jugent que sur les apparences.
voilà en gros la demoiselle, je sais pas si ça va te donner des idées tt
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptySam 4 Mai - 22:46

Okey j'en ai une ! (alléluia)
Alooors, je sais pas si tu as lu ma fiche mais, à un moment donné, Sunny n'était pas la jolie petite demoiselle inoffensive qu'elle est à présent. En bonne fille de Bellone, elle savait se battre et plutôt bien. J'avais pensé que Poppy aurait pu avoir eu vent de la mauvaise réputation que la blondinette traîne et par curiosité, pour vérifier qu'un moustique pareil puisse réellement tenir une arme, aurait pu la provoquer. En duel et pas forcément très gentiment. Tu vois ? Déjà est-ce que ça peut coller avec Poppy ? :3
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyLun 6 Mai - 18:26

Nastasya E. Rosewood a écrit:
Okey j'en ai une ! (alléluia)
Alooors, je sais pas si tu as lu ma fiche mais, à un moment donné, Sunny n'était pas la jolie petite demoiselle inoffensive qu'elle est à présent. En bonne fille de Bellone, elle savait se battre et plutôt bien. J'avais pensé que Poppy aurait pu avoir eu vent de la mauvaise réputation que la blondinette traîne et par curiosité, pour vérifier qu'un moustique pareil puisse réellement tenir une arme, aurait pu la provoquer. En duel et pas forcément très gentiment. Tu vois ? Déjà est-ce que ça peut coller avec Poppy ? :3

(j'ai quoté mais en fait je répond juste derrière je suis bête Arrow) pouhaha carrément que ça colle à poppy. dent elle va finir par affronter toute la colonie à ce rythme-là quand même Arrow donc elle aurait provoqué la blonde, et comment aurait réagit sunny? elle aurait accepté ou au contraire aurait refusé? dans le second cas poppy aurait voulu en savoir plus, la pousser vraiment bout, limite agir comme une gamine. dans le premier cas, faut voir comment ça s'est terminé mdl
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyJeu 9 Mai - 13:39

Je vois plus Sunny décliner poliment l'invitation ; elle se bat plus du tout, enfin, elle évite depuis que sa mère est morte et y aurait pas moyen qu'elle accepte ça, c'est sûr. xD En fait, j'avais pensé que si Poppy continues de bien la harceler alliant piques et provocations, jusqu'à un point où (exploit) elle arrive à énerver la blonde (faudra toucher un point sensible par contre, sa mère biologique ou adoptive, son père drogué, un truc dans le genre -oui sa vie est particulièrement joyeuse red ), qu'elle lui fasse réellement péter un câble alors y a moyen qu'elles aient un combat particulièrement intéressant. :exited: Ca ferait un bon moment que Sunny n'aurait pas combattu mais quand elle s'énerve, c'comme si tous ses mauvais côtés ressortaient en pire, ceux qu'elle tient de Bellone ; la rage, l'envie de meurtre, toussa.
Ca te plairait ? ange
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyJeu 9 Mai - 13:52

han oui ça me plaît ça puppy excited j'adore j'adore j'adore, vraiment, poppy en mode garce ça peut le faire red
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyJeu 9 Mai - 14:22

génial alors, j'ai hâte de voir ça excited
On fait le RP quand tu veux baby Wink
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyJeu 9 Mai - 15:32

moi je suis libre et en plus samedi je suis en vacances donc bon je vais pouvoir bien rp mdl
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyJeu 9 Mai - 15:36

Moi je suis pas là normalement ce week end, ça te dérangerait de le commencer ? puppy
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 10 Mai - 11:25

je m'en charge ce soir ou ce week-end alors I love you je t'enverrai le lien par mp :)
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !   SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! EmptyVen 10 Mai - 15:31

Ca marche I love you
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love ! Empty
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SUNNY ☼ All you need is love !

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